Did the US government just accidentally admit guilt in the Trump assassination plot?

There’s a thick cloud of mystery and suspicion hanging over the Trump assassination plot. To say conspiracy theories are flying would be a wild understatement. They are off the hook at this point. But can you really blame people? For starters, many have understandably lost faith in our lying, scheming government, thanks to its unscrupulous shenanigans against President Trump and the American people. The entire COVID debacle was just the final nail in their coffin. Plus, too many things just aren’t adding up regarding Trump’s assassination plot. The story we’re being told reeks like a fish market in the middle of July. And now, it’s gotten even fishier.

This latest move by Dems has many thinking that they’ve got a lot to hide.  

According to Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Biden’s henchman Alejandro Mayorkas has done a complete about-face regarding briefing the House Oversight Committee on the breakdown in security during the attempted assassination of President Trump. As Lauren Boebert puts it, what on earth are they hiding, and is this a sign that they might be trying to hide “guilt” involving the plot to kill President Trump?

It’s certainly a reasonable question at this juncture.


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