Hilarious: Trump Demands Biden Be Drug Tested Before Debates

Donald Trump and other leading Republicans have argued Joe Biden should undergo drug testing for “artificial stimulation” before the presidential debates. Speaking at a fundraiser in St. Paul, Minnesota, Trump said Biden was “high as a kite” during his last State of the Union address.

“I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union,” Trump said. “I said, ‘Is that Joe up there?’ … And by the end of the evening, he’s exhausted, right? No, we’re going to demand a drug test.”

Republican lawmakers, including Rep. Anna Paulia Luna and Senator Tim Scott, later echoed Trump’s concerns. “The truth of the matter is if you saw the State of the Union and you watched that performance, it was surreal,” Scott agreed.

“There was something going on, and if we could find the truth of what it was, we’re all better off,” he argued. “If it takes artificial stimulation to make the President of the United States perform, how often can he do that?”


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